In this revolutionary and comprehensive four DVD set, International Equine Specialist and Reach Out to Horses Founder Anna Twinney reveals the secrets of successful foal gentling. You will be amazed, touched and inspired as you watch Anna create a genuine and powerful bond with five unhandled P.M.U. (Premarin) weanlings rescued from the horrific fate of the Canadian slaughterhouse. Combining years of experience training and communicating with untouched and misunderstood horses, Anna brings her proven methods to you to help you unlock the wonders of your weanling by learning to listen to the whispers of gentle horsemanship. Through her compelling and unique T.L.C. techniques, you will learn to teach your foals to: yield to pressure, take their first step, lead, pick up feet, be prepared for the farrier, worming and vaccinations, become comfortable with grooming, desensitizing, trailer loading and so much more. This is your chance to explore, maybe even for the first time, the power of compassionate leadership while creating clarity in boundaries and balance. From their arrival in trailers, to their first touch, first halter and more, Anna and the foals will guide you to understanding and applying this unique set of tools to the successful gentling of your own foals. Here is your chance to learn to make the right steps in the right order for your youngsters rearing program and successful training. Discover how to be your authentic self as the foals reflect a true partnership, built on trust. Understand how to recognize, to ask vs. Tell, to acknowledge the 'try' and keep flight, fight and freeze out of the equation. Join Anna as she gentles these unforgettable foals, replacing their previous human impressions with positive and memorable first handling experiences. Your foal will carry the memories of those first training sessions for a lifetime. Make them good ones for both of you.